The focus of research and curriculum development has been upon English in récent years.lt has gained ascendancy in international science, technology, and trade.This work is hère to show the rôle of(ESP) as an international movement characterized by a concern with adult students' "wider rôles " (Swales,1988, p.98,i-e-, their rôles as English language speakers out of the classroom).The reader will first fïnd a standard définition of English for spécifie purposes and whether (ESP) is différent to gênerai English,the characteristics,types and future of(ESP),the learners' motivation,the ESP students' needs,and the ESP teacher .Following the discussion of thèse features , there will be a focus upon ESP's international influence. An example of which will be the need for promoting a good technical conversation between normative speakers of English into a technical professional situation in an Algerian cément productive company in Chlef. Finally the questionnaires analyses and suggestions made to reach the aim of this study .